Social media justice bypass the courts
Today i have been suspended. I have not been called to the principal office. My parents did not receive a phone call neither.
The digital censorship has arbitrated, twitter justice has been served. I was guilty without trial. A strange journey started. What was my fault ? I did not do politics online. I managed my "pro" account with respect and only to promote thoughts leadership.
Therefor why was twitter angry ? Was it against my comments on Kondratiev or my opinion on Lawrence Peter principles ? I was not sure, but i knew that I became someone important. I became censored by Twitter.
I started to think encore at the power of Social Media on us. All the work developed online can be destroyed by one single employee living in a far away country. Only based on his only will, his state of mind and the version of the rules updated that day. A big gap with the real world justice where we try to prevent the bias of a single judge.
Therefor the need to spread our digital presence across multiple channels becomes critical while the digital justice is still uncontrolled, still at its infancy.
We all remember the winters event, with the president of the USA banned from social media. That has been a moment of uncomfort for the promoters of freedom of speech. Was the US president deserving to be banned ? Bernie Sanders, strong detractor of Trump, believed it was not right. In any case, It should not be in the power of a civil employee to mute another without appeal, evidences supporting the decision and balance.
How tiny, personal events will occur before we take over this responsibility. Online justice should not respect other criteria than in-person justice. In a Covid year, when we all migrated online, we are seeking for fair and balance justice.
As Aristotle said, At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst, even online.
Think encore!