Invention of the ticker enabled the modern stock market creation
In 1867, neither globalization nor digitalization were trending topics. nevertheless, the American Telegraph company with Calahan and Bell enabled the transformation of the stock market
The stock ticker, a major innovation in financial markets, was introduced on November 15, 1867, by the American Telegraph Company. The modern stock market was born. Indeed, this new capability allowed the dissemination of stock prices by transmitting almost real-time data-point via telegraph lines. Brokers across the country or further were able to get an almost up-to-date data.
First process digitalization in the financial industry
Before Edward A. Calahan's invention, the stock market operated with a sluggishness that today's investors would find unthinkable. Prices of stocks were relayed by messengers, a method fraught with delays and ripe for inefficiencies. Calahan, in a stroke of ingenuity, harnessed telegraph technology to revolutionize this process. His device not only transmitted but also printed succinct company symbols alongside their corresponding stock prices onto a slender, endless ribbon of paper, dubbed ticker tape. The moniker "ticker" itself was born from the rhythmic tapping of the machine as it worked, echoing through the trading floors.
An Edison re-design
In 1869, Thomas Edison, known for his inventive prowess, took the stock ticker to new heights with his Universal Stock Ticker. This iteration from Calahan’s design boasted superior speed and unprecedented reliability. The enhancements were quickly embraced by the financial world, streamlining stock trading with more precise and timely price dissemination.
The introduction of the stock ticker stands as a pivotal moment in financial history, setting the stage for real-time, transparent market data exchange that underpins today's sophisticated trading platforms.