ClubHouse gives a voice to socialmedia
There is no surprise, Club House is a great success. But it took a while to arrive. Opened since 2020, CH or club house has already made its reputation.
While the classical radio is fading away, a voice platform allowing interaction between public and host sounds perfect... and indeed great. The podcast has occupied the role of knowledge distribution while micro blogging is now more position as live news and mass influencer.

Club House is bringing something new... the voice of the live discussion, the reconciliation between modern blogging and classical debate.
A platform supporting the voice of all to anyone. The non-influencer can voice their opinion, and become... influencers... You got it, I became a fan and decided to really give a chance to this new platform.
There is no doubt we have a need of sharing. And therefor the power of the voice is effective.
We share more emotion with our sounds than with an emoji. The live discussions offer something big. So big than Twitter Spaces and Facebook Live or Discord are already trying to compete with the new player. But the success goes beyond. The power of using the public to auto moderate the debate is working great so far. The less restrictive media is promoting more idea sharing and innovation. In the year of Covid, a live voice debate is a little window to the real life missed by so many. In a nutshell it is more natural.
Digital networking is another market share that could be leveraged for CH expansion. Allowing growing networks by sharing ideas and promoting itself has a great potential. Voice is helping to reach additional people that are beyond the not live materials. Furthermore building relationships depends on rational and emotional components. participating to a common join event where both parties can provide something to the other is easing the screening required to build relation.
Club House accessibility is allowing reach out to new cycles and building the mandatory inter person trust. In this perspective it compete also with LinkedIn on the daily network management. But not only the Business as Usual since event could leverage the digital rooms to replace easily an in-person event. The reach out could be instantly obtained with mass reach.
The only question is how CH will survive the growing base of user. With technical challenges for sure, but mainly social difficulties. How will we find what we want when many redundant room will cover the same topics ?
The challenge wont stop with its inherent success. The competitors embraced the small base of Clubhouse to push their solutions. The most active is Facebook with a full catalog of services directly competing with Clubhouse, including an option on Instagram. The run for the social media attracting most of the voices has started and Clubhouse understood it well. Therefor the only "exclusive" users on ios are not enough anymore. User on android will very soon be able to join the party.
The initial disruptive success of Clubhouse is attracting all the social media attention, and they all announced projects to compete. The main competitors remains LinkedIn which offer a trust relationship model similar to Clubhouse and Twitter that have the base of users. Are the clubhouse days already counted ?
As we see Clubhouse maturing with additional functionalities and more users, we are going to see more and more "running" challenges. How Clubhouse will manage the monitoring of the rooms, and the management of the less politically correct members, or total extremists ? Then the real tone of the media will be set.
In the mean time, we can enjoy the new Greek Agora to share ideas and... Think encore !